
The Clarke County Education Foundation is proud to present thousands of dollars in grants each year to deserving teachers in Clarke County Public Schools.

Are you a teacher interested in applying for a grant?  Contact to learn more about our grant process!

Our Grant Programs:

Immediate Need Grants

Immediate Needs grants started as a result of COVID and social distancing requirements. The CCEF wants to limit teachers funding items with their own money as much as possible. 

This application is for CCPS teachers/staff who are needing supplies immediately while working in their classrooms during the school year.  Any type of equipment/supply is eligible for review.  Teachers/staff may apply as a grade level or an individual for any amount they need and the CCEF Board will review all applications do their best to make decisions quickly.

Immediate Grant Application

CCEF Classroom Impact Grants

Clarke County Education Foundation will accept Classroom Impact Grants applications each spring to be implemented in the fall of the following school year.  All application are due by May 15, 2022Find the application here!

  • Maximum Awarded is $500 with no minimum amount.


  • Applications must be submitted by the person(s) who will implement the proposed project
  • Teacher or staff member of CCPS

Award Criteria:

Primary Consideration will be given to proposals that:

  • Involve and/or affect as many students as possible
  • Are creative and innovative
  • Supplement and/or enhance the standard curriculum
  • Support a program or project with measurable results
  • Promote inter-classroom, interdisciplinary and/or joint teacher projects

The following proposals will not be considered:

  • Provide money for materials/supplies ordinarily included in CCPS budget
  • Field trips
  • Teacher professional development
  • Travel
  • Furniture
Other Teacher Grants

The CCEF is proud to accept all other grant submissions year round.   To learn more about these opportunities, contact Dr. Jessica Nail, Director of Curriculum and Instruction at

To Download our Grant Applications, see below:

Grant Application

IB/AP Support

Established in 2009 by the Concerned Citizens of Clarke County (CCCC) this fund is to supplement IB and AP course registration and test fees for students desiring to pursue the programs. The fund also provides IB/AP training for CCHS teachers.

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