The Clarke County Education was proud to again offer our THANK A TEACHER CAMPAIGN this year during National Teacher Appreciation Week, May 7-13, 2023. Members of the community were invited to THANK ANY Clarke County teacher/staff member, past or present! Individual(s) recognized were honored with a personalized certificate and a sign with their name and position on it placed publicly from the CCEF during National Teacher Appreciation Week in early May!
The following teachers were THANKED this year!

Name of Honoree | Grade/Position | Location |
Berryville Primary Early Intervention (2008-2012) | PreK-1st Grade | Administration Building |
Dr. Cathy Seal | Admin | Administration Building |
Jennifer Wood | Food Service Manager | Administration Building |
Patrick Hausammann | Technology | Administration Building |
Renee Weir | Administrator | Administration Building |
Rick Catlett | Asst. Superintendent | Administration Building |
Susan M. Catlett | Retired Principal | Administration Building |
Amber Frazier | Instructional Assistant | BES |
Amelia Erickson | Special Education Teacher | BES |
Angela Reese | Instructional Assistant | BES |
Brian Davies | OT | BES |
Carli Pope | Behavioral Specialist | BES |
Christina Collings | 1st Grade | BES |
Dave Jarvis | School Safety Officer | BES |
Deveney Brown | Kindergarten | BES |
Elysia Solich | Guidance | BES |
Jennifer Hornbaker | Pre-K | BES |
Jennifer Lemieux | 4th Grade | BES |
Jessica Foltz | 3rd Grade | BES |
Jessica Tavenner | Music | BES |
Joan Robertson | Kindergarten | BES |
Julia Tinker | First Grade | BES |
Katy Cox | 3rd Grade | BES |
Kelly Moberg | Bus Driver (Bus #33) | BES |
Kerri Spitler | ESL Teacher | BES |
Leanna Zimmerman | Pre-K | BES |
Leslie McCurry | 2nd Grade | BES |
Lisa Fritts | Pre-K Instructional Assistant | BES |
Lori Mobley | Instructional Assistant | BES |
Margaret Moore | 5th Grade | BES |
Mariah Baihly | Kindergarten | BES |
Marnie Morrissett | Dean of Students | BES |
Max Merick | Principal | BES |
Pamela Seekford | 2nd Grade | BES |
Rachael Celia | 4th Grade | BES |
Sabrina Williams | Instructional Assistant | BES |
Sherry Newman | Reading Specialist | BES |
Victoria Fowler | Speech | BES |
Allyson Snapp | Math | CCHS |
Alysia Deem | Librarian | CCHS |
Bethany Kosieorek | Math | CCHS |
Bill McQuail | Geometry | CCHS |
Bobbie Shimp | Guidance Secretary | CCHS |
Carol Marshall | Biology | CCHS |
Carolyn Campbell | Marketing | CCHS |
Chrissy Schmohl | Art | CCHS |
Christine Brewer | Spanish | CCHS |
Corey Angiulli | Government/US History | CCHS |
Corey Rice | Administration | CCHS |
Danielle Lightner | English | CCHS |
Dr. Katie Roles | Science | CCHS |
Elizabeth Chapman | Instructional Assistant | CCHS |
Eric Morgan | English | CCHS |
Gina Basham | Reading | CCHS |
Jamie Coleman | English | CCHS |
Jane Roberts | Special Education | CCHS |
Jim Fleming | Biology and Anatomy | CCHS |
John Lane | Engineering | CCHS |
Jon Novick | ITRT , Assistant Athletic Director and Coach | CCHS |
Karen Martin | Project Manager/Supervisor/Custodian | CCHS |
Katharine Blevins | HONORS SPANISH IV | CCHS |
Kimberly Right | Instructional Assistant | CCHS |
Lauren Allison | Health and PE | CCHS |
Matt Ernst | Physical Education | CCHS |
Matthew Spears | World History | CCHS |
Nicole Deavers | Special Education | CCHS |
Nikki McGinley | Guidance Counselor | CCHS |
Phil Facemire | Career and Technical Education | CCHS |
Phil Harper | Latin | CCHS |
Rachel Novick | Instructional Assistant | CCHS |
Rochelle Miller, BSN RN | School Nurse | CCHS |
Ronni Long | Substitute and Bus Driver | CCHS |
Samantha Pigott | Special Education | CCHS |
Shelby Miller | English | CCHS |
Tammy Viti | Health & Medical Science | CCHS |
Veronica Long | Instructional Assistant | CCHS |
Victoria Violetta | Math | CCHS |
Barbara Large | 1st Grade | DG Cooley ES |
Barbie Yeager | 1st Grade | DG Cooley ES |
Beth Grum | Special Education | DG Cooley ES |
Bri Reyes | Special Education | DG Cooley ES |
Caitlin Watson | Speech Language Therapist | DG Cooley ES |
Cathy Barrett | 1st Grade | DG Cooley ES |
Cindy Cartwright | Instructional Assistant | DG Cooley ES |
D.G. Cooley Teachers and Staff | ALL | DG Cooley ES |
Dakota Bartley | 4th grade | DG Cooley ES |
Denise Enger | Registrar | DG Cooley ES |
Derek Boyce | Music | DG Cooley ES |
Donna Michael | Reading Specialist | DG Cooley ES |
Elisa Hurtado | Special Education Instructional Assistant | DG Cooley ES |
Elizabeth Grum | Special Education | DG Cooley ES |
Jennifer Graves | 2nd Grade | DG Cooley ES |
Jennifer McDonald | Technology Teacher | DG Cooley ES |
Karen Sowers | 5th Grade | DG Cooley ES |
Kelsey Lison | 3rd Grade | DG Cooley ES |
Kylie Whitaker | Kindergarten Teacher | DG Cooley ES |
Kylie Whitaker | Kindergarten | DG Cooley ES |
LaShonda Preston | Instructional Assistant | DG Cooley ES |
Linda Stotler | Instructional Assistant | DG Cooley ES |
Lisa Knick | ESL | DG Cooley ES |
Lynn Stanley | Assistant Principal | DG Cooley ES |
Mackenzie Collins | Nurse | DG Cooley ES |
Maggie Pekala | Behavior Specialist | DG Cooley ES |
Mariah Davis | Art | DG Cooley ES |
Michele Cox | Special Education | DG Cooley ES |
Molly Tinsman | Principal | DG Cooley ES |
Nicole Justison | 2nd Grade | DG Cooley ES |
Paige Lafollette | 3rd grade | DG Cooley ES |
Rachel Thompson | Special Education Teacher | DG Cooley ES |
Sally D. Spencer | Gifted & Talented | DG Cooley ES |
Thomas Matthews | 5th Grade | DG Cooley ES |
Tracey Schneider | Nurse | DG Cooley ES |
Tracy Kavanagh | 2nd Grade | DG Cooley ES |
Wendy Waters | Instructional Assistant | DG Cooley ES |
Amanda Booker | Civics | J-WMS |
Amy Reid | Spanish | J-WMS |
Andre Kidrick | JWMS Athletic Director/CCHS head track coach | J-WMS |
Brian Carley | Science Teacher | J-WMS |
Cassie Didinger | Behavioral Specialist | J-WMS |
CJ Wilkerson | Band | J-WMS |
Coach Charles Bailey | Coach | J-WMS |
Colleen Anna | Algebra | J-WMS |
Colleen Anna | Math | J-WMS |
David Borger | Science | J-WMS |
Jaclyn Crouse | English | J-WMS |
Kathy Hudson | Reading Interventionist | J-WMS |
Kelly Summer | Social Studies | J-WMS |
Kip Tuttle | Past Administrator | J-WMS |
Lauren Belzer | Agriscience/FFA | J-WMS |
Lindsay Wantz | English | J-WMS |
Louis Taylor | Technology Career & Technical Education | J-WMS |
Matthew Williams | Special Education | J-WMS |
Melissa Brown | Behavior Specialist | J-WMS |
Meredith Stenberg | Art | J-WMS |
Patrick White | JWMS Principal | J-WMS |
Rebecca Dalton | Office Staff | J-WMS |
Sarah Casey | Physical Education | J-WMS |
Taylor Winters | Science | J-WMS |
For more information about the CCEF, visit our Facebook page!